

Type werk:

Uitgever: , 2018

Aantal pagina's: 256 P.

Barcode: GT00008401

ISBN: 9781780685755

Beschikbaar: ja


Deel van:

Aantal exemplaren: 1

Uitleenbaar: Ja


  • MED 1 BERK 2018

Korte inhoud:

  • This book investigates the complex issues European patients face when obtaining healthcare abroad. It offers a clarification of both the legal and non-legal obstacles of cross-border patient mobility while focusing primarily on the needs and interests of the patients.
  • The issues of patient mobility have been high on the EU’s political agenda for the last two decades. However, the adoption of the Patient Mobility Directive, which had to be implemented by the Member States by 25 October 2013, added to the complexity of an already complex legislative system. Thus both, the new questions raised by the new piece of legislation and the old questions left without satisfactory answers call for new solutions.
  • So particularly at a time, when the national application of the Directive is beginning to have an impact on border-crossing patients it is imperative to revisit patient mobility. However, in contrast to the existing literature, Free Movement of Patients in the EU tests the current legal landscape from the perspective of border-crossing patients. How, in a multi-player arena of patients, healthcare providers, healthcare funds, national governments, Union institutions, etc. with colliding ideologies can the legal situation be improved in a way that better serves patients’ interests while respecting the responsibilities of the Member States in this field and with the legal tools currently available?
  • This book is of interest to scholars and practising experts dealing with patient mobility or social security issues as well as stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • De problemen van de patiënt mobiliteit zijn hoog op de europese politieke agenda voor de laatste twee decennia. Echter, de vaststelling van de Mobiliteit van patiënten Richtlijn, die moesten worden geïmplementeerd door de Lidstaten uiterlijk op 25 oktober 2013, toegevoegd aan de complexiteit van een reeds complexe wetgeving. Dus beide, de nieuwe vragen in het kader van de nieuwe wetgeving en de oude vragen zonder bevredigende antwoorden, vragen om nieuwe oplossingen.


  • Chapter 1 Setting the Scene
  • Chapter 2 Legal Complexity
  • Chapter 3 Finacial affordability
  • Chapter 4 Information Obstacles
  • Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions


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